Friday, July 31, 2009

Interesting Discussion about the Gate's Situation

Wow very interesting discussion,


  1. Wow Larry Elder. 57 years old and unsure if he has ever been racially profiled, and he is from LA. I am 24 and I've been racially profiled. He is a fool.... Gates should have been more sympathetic to the police officer.

    Judge Joe Brown brought the most to this discussion. Why it took 2 weeks to get someone like Brown on TV to talk about this I don't know. Michael Eric Dyson was solid as usual.

    Ben Stein is on some We Are The World shit, both sides should have been more sympathetic to the other. The police officer puts his life on the line everyday. True, but that doesn't mean he can impose on me in my own home.

    I agree that Gates probably overreacted, but if a police officer arrested me for being rude and held me for 4 hours I'd be raising a lot more hell. I'm not sitting in a jail cell for 4 hours because I was rude to a cop on my own property.

    Watch the whole 16 minutes, it's worth it.

  2. Yeah, Larry Elder is too proud to admit that he has been racially profiled but will never admit it. I wonder why he doesn't have a show on Fox.

    Judge Brown and Dr. Dyson both brought fruitful substance to the discussion.

    Ben, well I tuned him out before he started speaking. When Obama talked about increasing taxes for the wealthiest 1%, he went on a rant about how he's going to take America from a capitlistic to a social country.

    But thanks for chiming in..

  3. i talk daily with my office mate regarding obama (democrats) taking us to a more socialistic state which i am not strongly oppose to if it is done right....i think i struck a chord with him when i told him being the strong christian that he is that jesus is more socialistic in nature than capitalistic.

    i agree with you guys on pretty much all viewpoints....

    but one more thing...ben was talking about elitist professor vs blue collar cop aspect...i think that had a role to play too but as dyson stated it is a delicate interaction because the elite scholar is black and the blue collar dude is white. on top of that regardless of how much race plays a part being jealous of a guy because he has a degree and high academic ranking position does not give you the right to trespass or excuse you from proper judgement....


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