Thursday, July 30, 2009

should the names of failed 2003 PED users be released?

i think this is crazy that this test was supposed to be anonymous and names are slowly leaking....where are the lawsuits for this?

on another note should they just release the names so some suspicions can be over (you have some idea of who is innocent and guilty) and move past this are slowly leak names from investigative reporting that will keep baseball addressing this every 3-6 months for the next 9-12 years.


  1. Just release all the names. Will out the users and exonerate the innocent. Baseball sucks anyway.

  2. Sure why not, or don't.... it's baseball so I really don't give a f***

    But you know what, a lot of people owe Barry Bonds a huge apology. He hasn't shown up on any of these lists and he was vilified for being suspected of using PEDs. Mike Lupica, and the rest of the ESPN geeks who were never athletes railed against him for breaking the rules and gaining an unfair advantage over everybody else.......


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