Friday, May 7, 2010

whole new meaning to "fat fingered"

one day a terrorist will realize that some (or most) value money more than human life and as opposed to killing seek to destroy the fiber of america.... wasn't this a movie?

Thursday, May 6, 2010

It's about time...

Arizona to nix speed camera program

Is Bill Maher Going Too Far with his Islamic comments

"They like eating at Chilli's, they like the water slides and going to strip clubs and then they log on to their Jihadist websites and feel guilty..." - Bill Maher

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Betty White X Jay-Z hosting SNL

Betty White is a trip; it's interesting how she's able to maintain an informed personality with pop culture considering her age/era.

Alpha Phi Alpha Boycotts Arizona


what the world needs now is .... TIM TEBOW!

what are folks thinking buying tebow jerseys....

Boycott Carrabba's, Outback Steakhouse and Charleston's In Chandler, I might be done with all locations

Check out this article

Basically they don't want Phase 54 because it might draw black people.

Here is the excerpt from the article that pushed me over the edge,

As the club's opening neared, he started hearing that neighbors were unhappy. His operations manager went to restaurants to discuss it, and secretly taped the conversations, in which one proprietor said he was concerned about "the blacks."

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

i have no problems with people being tased for running onto the field

folks have been pulling these stunts for a while now and in these times it is no longer funny. if the boy had injured a player on purpose or accidentally then folks would be questioning the security.

the boy told his pops prior to running on that this was a once in a lifetime experience.... well hopefully getting tased was too....

is rondo a top five PG in the league?

this is an ongoing argument but recently rejuvenated with the playoffs....

i like rondo, and think he fits well with the celtic system. he has guys he can count on to score so alot of pressure if off him from that standpoint. however i would much rather have a guy that can score or at the very least make the other team respect my scoring ability in crunch time than a guy who can just past. rondo is the best point guard defender (and rebounder) in the league and is very good at getting into the paint which is why he is great as a distributor without being a huge scoring threat.

there are two questions? who is flat out better skill-wise and who would you rather have in the game when the score is tied with a minute left....

PG ranking based on 2009-10 play (including postseason). i also ask myself can PG A be just as successful or more in a trade as PG B. you can't ignore the fact certain guys are only relevant on their current team... d fish is a prime example. on any other team he comes off the bench but he can be successful starting for the lakers; thus the lakers do not need a PG that does much more than spot up shoot threes, talk trash, and run thru picks... rondo is in a similar position with the celtics.

the celtics wanted to trade rondo earlier this season. if they could get rondo in a trade with any of the PGs above ray felton they do it in a heartbeat except for the old guys (nash, billups, bibby, etc.)

d williams
c paul
d rose
s nash
b jennings
t parker
j nelson
r westbrook
c billups
s curry
a brooks
r rondo
m bibby
m ellis
j kidd
d harris
m williams
r felton
b davis
a miller
j calderon
r stuckey
j flynn

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sunday, May 2, 2010

North Carolina is in the motherfucking building! J. Cole...flames

Good googoly moogoly....That boy can spit. It's the lil' aggin from the ville...Fayettenam stand up! Hot damn...