Saturday, April 3, 2010

Mercury tryouts fastfoward to 3:25

"You have to be an athlete first", says Eugenio as he strokes the 3

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

E. Badu Always had a Donk!!!

Checkout the thighs on this ONE!!!!!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bill Maher's New Rules 4-26-09

This was hilarious

LB vs. 9th Wonder

After Phonte decided to leak a track from the last LB album "Star" yesterday with an accompanying message, 9th Wonder replied to a fan concerning the situation and Phonte felt a certain way about it. Words were exchanged, their friends and fans tried to intervene, and it all led to this video.

And might I add, that new E. Badu video "Window Seat" is definitely showing her a$$ets, WHOA!!! I know Andre3K is reminiscing over that right there....