Friday, June 11, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Mortal Kombat... The Movie

This is worth watching during your lunch time... The trailer is about 8 minutes long.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Border Patrol Agent Kills Mexican Teen Throwing Rocks

So a group of illegal immigrants were being smuggled into the US and they were discovered and 2 of them were detained while the rest ran back to Mexico. Those that ran back to Mexico started throwing rocks at the border agent. The border agent told them to stop but they didn't. The article says the agent was surrounded, not sure how they surrounded the agent from Mexico. Anyway the agent fired his/her weapon and 1 of the teens ended up dead.

1. A human life was lost, that is sad
2. I judge these things based on how I was raised

Person throwing a rock at person with gun = person asking to get shot. If this had been me and I survived my parents would have beat my ass for doing something that stupid. I was told not to even talk back to the police just because you never know when they want to trip. Yeah police are wrong when they use excessive force, but is that what you want on your grave? And I'm a legal citizen. I'm sure Ruben Naverrette will have an editorial by tomorrow about how egregious this is.

I don't understand how the border agent was on a bike... That's a dangerous job and he has a bicycle? Nah that's not okay. The messed up part is the agent probably has a bullet proof vest but no way to get away if he/she is in trouble.

Who is Joran Van Der Sloot....

Monday, June 7, 2010

Helen Thomas Retiring/Got Fired

Helen Thomas, the longest serving White House reporter (since the 60s), is being widely condemned for her comments regarding Israel. She was asked to give her thoughts on what Israel should do after their clusterf*** last week in stopping the flotilla headed to Gaza. Not saying stopping the flotilla was a bad idea, but how they went about it was clearly dumb. Anyway Thomas' response was "get the hell out of Palestine" and that the Jewish people should go home to "Poland, Germany ... and America and everywhere else."

Now I understand where people are coming from to a certain extent. Hitler tried to eradicate all of the Jewish people in Europe so after WWII the world powers decided to create Israel. In the world of US politics saying anything not 80% in favor of Israel is like being a Black politician, people thinking you are dating a White woman and trying to become a Senator in Tennessee (Harold Ford Jr). But it's not like Israel was purchased, it was jacked. So the fact that Helen Thomas said they need to get the hell out isn't the despicable comment everyone is making it out to be.

The issue that I have is that Israel has a blank check from the United States. We go along with whatever they do and we give them more foreign aid than any other country. Think about that, Israel is a fully developed country yet we give them more aid than anyone else. People getting pushed out for speaking their mind... It would be different if she actually said something that was crazy and offensive.