Tuesday, April 14, 2009

NBA awards


ESPN analysts give their picks....i will give you who should win (and who will actually win).

ROY---D. Rose (D. Rose)
6thMOY---J Terry (J Terry)
COY---S Van Gundy (same)
DPOY---D Howard (same)....wow emeka no chris paul. " i am taking chris paul over dwight"
MIOY---D Harris (same)..."the shot" will win it for him
MVP---D Wade (Lebron)....i think d wade does more with so much less and his story to get there is more impressive....i was shocked not to see any kobe votes (that's bullshit....it should not ba a runaway for king james with kobe a distant 3rd). i think kobe should win out of guilt from writers since he was robbed out of 2 already....this also poses a problem when ppl are ranking players and they say crap like "mj has this many mvps" but guys are getting snubbed on bullshit. just like when lebron didn't make the allstar team his rookie year even though he should have...."he was just too young." or when nash didn't get his third consecutive mvp...the one he was most deserving of (dirk's trophy---pleassseeee)....


  1. Lebron is the clear MVP this year.
    - His team has the best conference, and it's rare that the MVP doesn't go to a top 2-3 team.
    - He's put up the best numbers, and his defense is night and day from last year.
    - Wade can make an argument from a value perspective, since he means more to his team. I just don't think that's what the award is supposed to be

    In all sports, they need to do a better job of defining what the MVP is. It should go to the best player of the year, irregardless of their team's record, other players, etc...If it's going to be used in the Hall of Fame voting to determine greatness, then it should be the description of THE BEST PLAYER.

  2. My List:

    ROY: Derrick Rose
    6thMOY: Jason Terry (would have been Lamar Odom if Bynum did not get hurt) Roger Mason would also be in the conversation if Manu did not get hurt
    COY: George Karl - 2nd in the west... even though much is attributed to Chauncey. if not him then Mike Brown...
    DPOY: Of course Dwight Howard. The argument before does not apply to defense, Trey.. I love how you guys change arguments to convey whatever the hot point is at the time.
    MIOY: Danny Grainger, followed by Mo Williams (both these guys made the All-star for the first time) D Harris has always been the truth but he is not carrying the team yet. VInce Carter is still there. THe batman (D. Grainger) is clearly now carrying that team.
    MVP: LBJ. Because of his impact at both ends of the floor. Kobe should be close too because he got robbed on Dirk's and Nash's MVPs.
    I like Wade also because the Rookies did not step up early.. the team's record despite this fact doesn't help him. the ranking should be LeBron, Kobe, D.Wade. Unfortunately, because the media contributors vote on this, it will be Bron Bron because his power ranking is just so high right now. His off the court relevance will put him over the top- commercials, 60 mins, SNL, Fortune covers, birthday coverage on NBATV, etc..

  3. Lebron should win the MVP even though Wade's team isn't as good. But that argument isn't air tight. It's not like Lebron has another legit all-star like Kobe does in Gasol. Can you say that the Cavaliers without Lebron are that much better than the Heat without Wade?

    And if the award wasn't going to Lebron I still give it to Kobe. Kobe's team is definitely better than Wade's but Kobe's team has a double digit lead in the better conference. Miami isn't even in the playoffs in the West. When Iverson won the MVP his team had the best record in the East. I give Kobe credit for everything the Lakers are doing because he has taken it upon himself to set the tone, not be selfish, make the clutch shots, etc.

    The clutch shots are the margin that make Kobe better than Lebron and Wade is behind Lebron. Lebron deserves the MVP but Kobe is still better.

  4. mike brown is the 10th best coach in the league MAYBE...give the ball to lebron on O and force everything middle for lebron to help on D is not profound coaching...get him outta there for coach of the year.

    i always ragged on phil for coaching his superstar talent "anyone could coach kobe, jordan, pip, and shaq"....but i have come to realize that he gets these guys to buy into his system the triangle repeatedly and he manages huge egos (the aforementioned guys along with rodman, kukoc, aging GP, unmotivated glen rice, etc.). i do not see any of this from mike brown. his best attribute is the way he sticks up for his guys but that is coaching 101....


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