Monday, November 1, 2010

Nov. 2nd U.S. Senate Elections

Hope everyone who are eligible to vote exercise it before or on Tuesday. The video should illustrate how important it is to know what kind of representatives we put into office. Let's do our due diligence, homework and give Obama more time to un-do what them Bush/tea-party/Fox/WallStreet has done to us.


  1. two things.... this das racist is hot and i am not a witch needs no words (can't believe she's being taken seriously)....

    actually though similar to the u.s. electing a non-100% white dude as president, i think some (maybe most) feel that the current administration is doing horribly mainly because the economy is repaired 100% (fair or foul is not to be argued). thus folks are thinking about doing something more drastic than voting for a "qualified" son of an immigrant with a "strange" name. they are considering voting for average "schmoes" (after all they thought hard about with palin)... you can't vote for someone who is even entertaining questions about witchcraft... serious candidates say "that's ridiculous" and never address the question again... only an unqualified person would keep this fresh in the minds of voters...

  2. Did you peep their mixtape yet?

    The sad thing about folks that vote schmoes into congressional offices is that more shit still isn't gonna get done (but they don't care). And I kinda sorta hope that is the case because if there is a positive shift in the economy republicans will spare no cost to take 100% credit and point to the blame at Obama and his administration.


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