Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Rape By Deception...

Israeli woman flirts with a Palestinian man who is married with 2 children
He claimed to be single and Jewish
They had sex
She claimed she was raped
He was charged
The defense produced evidence there was no rape
DA decides to prosecute rape by deception.

18 months in prison...

What would happen if this were applied in the United States...
Woman: Do you love me?
Man: Yes (lying)
Judge: Jail

1 comment:

  1. black people know this story all too well... when you are bored check out the number of black inmates release from prison under false accusation decades later due to simple DNA analysis....

    its a little different... its hard for a black dude to deceive someone pretending he isn't black... i merely speaking from in terms of a wack justice system that basically doesn't needs evidence to convict persons... they just make up new laws... rape by deception.... actually is there a such thing in america whereby a person can be tried for rape for pulling switcheroos in the dark... say like a cruel joke by twins or something?

    i digress...


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