Monday, March 22, 2010

Taking Surprising Risks For The Ideal Body

FULL STORY HERE Listen to the podcast link

The trend began in the '90s — and took people by surprise.

"Women take the chicken pills to get broader hips and bigger bottoms," says Carol's son Jason. "In our Jamaican culture, we love a girl that has a lot of shape."

"Most males, they love to see women with big bottoms. The whole idea of Coca-Cola bottle shape" Carol says. " 'I don't want a meager woman,' that's how the men would speak. ... They're figuring if you look meager, you look poor, in the sense that you're not being taken care of."

According to Carolyn Cooper, professor of literary and cultural studies at the University of the West Indies, "big bottoms" reveal power — but there are competing norms of beauty in Jamaica.

"There's a kind of anorexic, Eurocentric model of beauty," she says. "Also, a much more Afrocentric body type that is valorized."


  1. LOL @ comment "if you're sitting on a big a$$ then you're sitting on a lot of power!!!"...

    I'm all for moderation. I like a girl who is able to deform a dress but not too wild that would generate gawking looks similar to a cruise liner pulling in from an Atlantic voyage.
    Let me go back to listening to the rest of this ish...

  2. Very interesting... Now I see where you Island folks get your LOVE for "Big bottoms"!! It makes a perfect sense...LOL

  3. the bottomline is "what's attractive" at its primal sense is what each gender sees as wanting to mate with... it goes back to money. attractiveness is always and has always been what aristocrats advertise as sexy. once upon a time bigger more plump folks were deemed attractive becasue they have money. back in the day food was alot more scarce; thus if you were fat you probably had alot of food and never worked a day in your life (indentured servants were skinny and TANNED)... the same thing with europeans and pale skin... pale europeans had slaves (broader, age old sense of slavery not just african american) and were not outside. fast forward to today where the skinny are the rich, the ones with gym memberships, eating healthy (never fast food), implant, hollywood, tanned etc.... naturally this will become the new standard with time and globalization... love the self hatred label...

  4. its amazing to me that we never run out of was to hate ourselves. This has to be a classic case of self-hate manifesting itself in actions

  5. @Trey, totally agree and actually never really considered how opposite beauty was in contrast to back back back BACK in the ole'em days!!!


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