Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Were The Super Bowl Commercials Sexist?

I didn't think the commercials were over the top to the point where I would generalize them as sexist. Obviously the godaddy crap was over the top but I'm not calling that sexist, it just means you can sell anything to men using sex. There are 137K articles on the web just in the past week regarding this.

This one is not sexist, it's hilarious... As a matter of fact I wish I had heard it on Sunday so I could laugh and see if anyone in the room was offended.

The Snickers commercial wasn't sexist either, if anything it made fun of old people

This was funny because a lot men give up their balls in their wedding vows... It's true, not sexist

This was one of my favorites... Gotta love the double entendre (diversifying his portfolio)

This is straight coonery... Why does the kid have to be playing videogames? Why does he have to come from a broken home? And he's "violent," too many sterotypes


  1. sexist commercials during the super bowl... nawhhhh really.... its football thus the onsluaght of sexist commecrials is a must from a marketing standpoint. the beer commercials alone take women back to neanderthal days....

  2. I didn't think any of them were sexist...but it's like Trey said, it's football time, so...

    "Milka-what?" was my favorite... the Dodge charger was good too, there's actually lots of guys like that at Intel!

  3. i will watch all your senseless vampires shows with you....

    milka-what is hilarious

    the black stereotypical one is wrong but funny... keep disrepectful black kids stereotypes alive (role models, major payne, every movie about white teachers saving inner city schools and youth)

  4. I'm sure there are a lot of guys at Intel who like the Dodge Charger commercial, they wish they had the balls to tell their wives they are going to buy whatever car they want. And they still let their wives castrate them at marriage so they don't even get a trade off.


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