Monday, October 12, 2009

happy columbus day!

Why We Should Re-Consider Honoring Columbus-Legacy of genocide in the ‘New World’


  1. I agree 100%. Even if Columbus wasn't responsible for the egregious actions that resulted in the genocide of almost all indigenous people he still didn't discover anything. Amerrigo Vespuchi (sp) "discovered" America.

    Columbus "discovered" the Carribbean islands and somehow thought he was in India. Now I know drawing maps was very inconsistent back then but I find it hard to believe that one could mistake India for Hispanola unless one is an uneduated dumb shit trying to cover his ass. None of these European "explorers" discovered anything.

    This is a good article that delves deeper than anything I have seen before. This definitely shouldn't be a Federal holiday. How much would it offend those of Italian decent if we got rid of the holiday? I don't think it would be a big deal, but someone would complain.

  2. i don't fault the guy for making a mistake as much as the astrocities...

    as a person in science and engineering i know too well the art of discovery... there are so many things discovered on accident or by mistake... viagra was supposed to be heart/circulation medication.


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