Thursday, October 1, 2009

Another proof we all come from Ethiopia!!

Here's another new discovery of a 4.4 million years old human Skeleton found where else, but the crib!!


  1. here's a question for ya'll.... who believes in evolution... when i show certain people this sort of evidence that basically says all people originated in africa, some default to their beliefs and say they question this as they do not believe in evolution in its totality (at least not the evolution of humans). the argument being that what these scholars discover are not human beings but more evolved primates that could not survive and thus are no longer here...

    "Ardi lived 4.4 million years ago in the woodlands of East Africa. She spent most of her time in the trees. She stood about four feet tall, weighed 110 pounds, and had long arms, short legs, and a grasping big toe that was perfect for clambering branch to branch. She ate in the trees, raised her offspring in the trees, slept in the trees."

    basically these early "humans" described are not the foreparents of humans.... any thoughts?

  2. I believe they are! Humans, as most animals, had to evolve over time to adopt living conditions and survive. The article mentions Ardi had a grasping big toe, as she needed it for climbing trees, but that particular "feature" wasn't needed for survival anymore as humans started to adopt living on the grounds...same with the way our jaws/teeth were shaped and the size of our brains, etc...they evolved and changed as we became smarter and began to adopt different diets and weather and etc.

    We've seen this with most animals, early mammals, birds, and other creatures. The way they looked millions of years ago has changed over time. I truely believe survival of the fitest. And that forces evolution and change.

    I watched a great documentary on National Geographic a couple of weeks ago. The Human Family Tree, where they took cotton swabs, rubbed them in different people's mouth, and took DNA samples from the middle of New York City where they could find the most diverse crowd. They then traced back ancestories of all those DNA samples back as far as they could take them. Surprisingly, all of them came back to East Africa. I was buggin!!! That was another convincing evidence to me. I highly recommend that show. Infact, I might have it on my DVR, I can try to put it on a DVD if anyone is interseted.

  3. I try not to get involved in the evolution vs creationism so that I don't have to offend Jesus Freaks.

    Having said that, what is to say that God didn't create Ardi? Ardi couldn't be Eve? Why? Because the pictures in Sunday School pamplets show Adam and Eve as two "normal" looking White people? God could have created Ardi and Ardi evolved into what we are today. People who take the Bible and/or Biblical artwork literally are a trip.

    If there is a Biblical flaw in my thought process I apologize as I am a heathen...


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