Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Woman Kidnaps Kids, Tennessee to Japan

This is crazy. The couple gets a divorce and the ex-wife, from Japan, agrees to live in Franklin, TN to be near the children. She got permission to take the children to Japan for summer vacation. The father didn't want that but the court allowed it.

She took the children to Japan and then brought them back to the US. They went on vacation with their father and then returned home to go back to school. On the first day of school the father got a call wondering why his children weren't in school. He calls Japan and his ex-father-in-law tells him the kids are in school in Japan.

The mother is a fugitive in the US. It is not illegal to abduct a child and take the child to Japan, under Japanese law. Japan was not involved in the 1980 Hague Convention on international child abduction. However it is illegal to abduct a child in Japan. In Japan when parents divorce one parent gets the child(ren) and the other leaves their lives so the father had no chance of getting even joint custody. Non Japanese parents have almost no chance of receiving custody.

The father went to Japan, snatched the children and tried to get to the US Consulate, however the Police beat them there and arrested the father who could spend 5 years in prison.

This has happened in more than 100 cases and the children are never returned to the parent who was granted custody by another country.

Chaild Please! Japan is trippin


  1. i'm dying at the label "crazy people"... this is a wild one... that's why (i hate to sound close minded but) i am not too excited about going to other countries because you don't know the rules there. you can go to a different state and in end in jail for some thing simple (i.e. plax in NY gets 2 yrs but in AZ he might get some gun safety classes and parole). now extrapolate this to other countries... and if you are black...

    i know you only hear about the crazy stories and plenty people travel the world hourly but those crazy stories still worry me on some level... i have a few countries i am going to try to hit up but man its hard to relax and enjoy if you don't know if you spit gum on the sidewalk if you will be in jail for months...

    with resepect to relationships, do your homework, don't get caught up in the facade people give you early and increase your third eye exponentially depending on how diverse your backgrounds are. nothing wrong with falling in love with a disimilar interest but you have keep your head on a swivel....

  2. Trey I'm pretty sure you would be fine in other countries, you are pretty cognizant of your surroundings. It's people who are too ignorant to realize there are cultures very different than ours who are in danger. But those people don't want to visit other countries so it's not a big problem.


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