Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Interesting article on fixing Social Security


  1. Yeah Social Security is screwed... Anybody in our age range depending on that check had better come up with a better plan.

  2. 2036...that's right around the corner....

    its going to be funny when they actually have to announce that its over....

    statement in the mail (actual hand held device text by that time---no more mail) around 2025 reading something like:
    "we regret to inform you that those persons(you) that were not born before 1962 will continue to pay for the social security of others thru the year 2028, but program will cease to exist on Dec. 31, 2028. all those eligible Jan. 1, 2029 need NOT APPLY."

  3. You know what's crazy is that all this is socialism in its purest form along with Medicare. Yeah social security is a mess!!!

  4. Oh yeah the way people rail against socialism you would think the people wouldn't want any type of public services. People are stupid though. I think a survey should be taken, ask people if they want government healthcare or not. If they say no bar them from ever participating in medicare and have them thrown out of a hospital if they can't pay. No government assistance.

    I'm really getting tired of dumbshit Americans.


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