Friday, August 21, 2009

Bitch, get a job!

Kelis has gone fool crazy with the court request. In summary, the following:
– Nas pulls in $244,826 a month
– Kelis rakes in a relatively paltry $13,744 a month
– Kelis should get child support totaling $17,225 a month
– Kelis should get spousal support totaling $72,728
– Nas should pay retro child support totaling $29,522
– Nas should pay retro spousal support totaling $281,571

Biiiiiiiiiiiiitch, please!


  1. If I'm reading this correctly it isn't too bad minus the retro spousal support.

    I'm cool with the child support of $17.2K a month and the retro child support of $29.5K. The retro spousal support of $281.5K is crazy.

    At the end of the day this isn't that bad. A lot worse has occurred. What's he gonna do with that damn tatoo of her on his forearm, that's the question?

  2. what are these people consuming where you need that kind of money per month?

  3. It's never about that, it's about "the child having the lifestyle of their parent." Which I understand to an extent but it obviously gets taken too far.

  4. The child support numbers i can actually agree with, although it takes less than 17k to raise a 1 year old.

    - Why does someone who makes ~$13.5k a month (over 150k/year) need spousal support at all, much less equaling $70k a month. The fact that she wants more to support herself as someone who can work, versus the kid (someone who can't work) is quite disturbing. I wouldn't have as much disgust if the numbers were reversed.
    - Why would you pay retro spousal support during the time while y'all were still married? Poppycock, i tell you!!!

  5. Assuming the child support goes through, do you really mean to tell me that she can't live comfortably off $30k/month?

  6. correct me if i am wrong but overall are they asking for more money that he "pulls in per month"....


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