Wednesday, June 30, 2010

2Pac recognized!

Ricky would be happy to hear this...

"2Pac's 'Dear Mama' selected for inclusion in Library of Congress' national recording registry"


  1. "The entries are judged on cultural, historical, and aesthetic significance."

    I'm glad 2Pac received this recognition. At first thought I was thinking Keep Ya Head Up would be a better selection but I guess it wasn't as widely heard.

    Interesting that the only "rappers" to receive this honor are 2Pac, Public Enemy and Grand Master Flash... Obviously it takes over a decade to get on this list.

    I think the only current "rapper" who would have a chance to get in on this is Wayne. I can hear the uproar as I type this. Look you obviously have to be well known and widely listened to so Talib Kweli and Mos Def are out. The widely heard artists such as Jay Z never talk about anything. Maybe a very slight chance for Kanye.

    What would 2Pac be worth if he had the power today's artists have? What would he say about Barack Obama? Probably wouldn't be positive and that would be a huge debate amongst Black people.

  2. They should have put "Brenda's Got a Baby" in there.... Very thought provoking song... Really paints the picture...

  3. not sure how i feel about this... i like pac but not that much.... lil wayne has no shot (his most conscious song was "kobe doing work").... jayz has a better shot at this which is also "nil".

    brenda's got a baby was a better song but wasn't nearly as big as dear mama.... point taken in that both artist and song have to culturably remembered and commercially acclaimed. kanye depending on his legacy may see "jesus walks" in there one day but i doubt it.... actually if eminem turned the corner and made a commercially accepted, "talk-about-something song he would have a shot....


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