Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Racial Divide in South Africa Is Getting Uglier.....

Since the slaying of a white supremacist in South Africa, the verbal threats, physical tension between the blacks & whites are surmounting every passing minute and second. I saw this clip and thought it best depicts the pseudo mayhem that is about to erupt if these apartheid-torn threats keep up. It's gone beyond the point of a civil sit down to discuss the issues the blacks have been feeling for decades from the whites (and I guess the white folks feel the same way too.... go figure). This is where the lines have been drawn and each side is saying to the other, "CROSS THIS B*@$H, AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS!!!!"


  1. you can just tell his treats are more than just words.

  2. Yeah, I'm anxious to see how things will develop once the World Cup kicks off, no pun....

  3. WOW, this was crazy, I felt my blood boiling for a sec. It is sooooo unbelieveable to me that Aparthied in South Africa (defined as "A system of legal racial segregation")just ended as recently as 1994. I get Speechless!

  4. That guy was trippin, I would like to understand the context. Was that guy trying to say White South Africans have their own European culture that is separate and they want to hold on to it?

  5. @Brook, Well Mississippi ratified slavery in 1995 which is crazy to me which meant that prior to 1995 there was a slight technicality. Mosley can tell you more about this since he's from there... Craziness

    @Humility, Yeah I was surprise that this dude had the gall to talk about the preservation of his culture with little to no disregard of the starving poor Africans (darks).


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