Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Skewed View of Abortion in the Black Community

I disagree that this is a widespread racial agenda. I have more of a problem with the percentage of children born outside of marriage than anything else. 71.6% of births to Black women in the US are to unwed mothers according to the CDC. This woman said more than 18 million Black children have been aborted and that the Black population could be 59 million strong. Really? Why would that be beneficial? Not in voting power, most Black people don't vote. Maybe in terms of a couple congressman, but at what cost?

What is most likely to happen to a child born to a young, undereducated, not well off woman? The prospects are not positive. It's not like all the Black children born are taken care of the way they should be. There are too many Black women having kids who have no business doing so.

Is there some type of racial agenda? I'm sure some do have an agenda to get more Black women to have abortions, but not enough to be of concern.

I believe this woman's argument is terribly flawed, she said an aborted child cannot rise educationally or economically. Maybe if young single women consistently did a good job of raising their children this would be a valid argument. But then I suspect there wouldn't be a disproportionate percentage of Black women having abortions.


  1. i had this conversation with one of my more conservative co-workers. he wanted to know why isn't the black community outraged by the number of aborted black babies. don't know but i have an idea. i know he comes from a religious place on this but it led me to wonder to myself why when black people are often split politically down religious lines (i.e. in the manner certain communities vote on gay and lesbian issues or cloning or whatever) this notion does not seem to apply to our actions/lifestyle on abortion....

    well anyway i do not agree there is a widespread agenda similar to the scale of say tobacco targeting children. in the cases where there may be a clinic that administers abortion in the "hood' readily, my rose color glasses make me lean more towards it is there due to a perceived non-malicious need unlike say liquor stores on every corner... this is interesting though. i just became aware of this epidemic three months ago thru my conversation at work and the numbers caught me off guard.... i need to dig a little more.

  2. I also don't understand how the Black community in this country can be so hypocritically religious either. Most people are hypocrites when it comes to religion but Black people may exemplify it.

    It seems like the most religious Black people are the ones having kids outside of marriage, and not just 1 child outside of marriage. I don't want to knock anyone's faith because that's how some make it through their day to day grind but I don't understand how you can wear your religion on your sleeve and be such a sinner.

    I also don't understand how Black people can vote against the interests of Gay people, it's all too similar to civil rights 50 years ago. The majority of the country don't think a minority should have the same rights they take for granted...


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