Wednesday, February 24, 2010

How To Get Beat Down By A 67 Year Old Man

I saw this last week, this young Black guy started talking shit to a 67 year old White man and they went back and forth. Then the young guy allowed a loud mouth instigator to convince him to get in the guys face not once but twice. And he got his ass beat.

Here are the takeaways from the email:

1. Never make a check with your mouth that your ass might have to cash
2. Size matters
3. Listening to big-mouth bitches can get you fucked up!


  1. "we can press charges cuz; i got it on videotape...oooh you leaking"

    one more takeaway if your friends put (or allow it) you getting beat up on youtube, they ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS

  2. Trey, u never lied! Them aggins were wrong!

  3. I couldn't really hear what was said at the begining, but to me, it seemed like this dude deserved the A$$ whoopin he got!

    "Bring me Amb-lance..." LOL


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