Saturday, December 26, 2009

Why Are So Many Successful Black Women Are Single???

ABC News Nightline did a piece on why so many successful Black women are single, and if they need to lower their standards in regards to requirements for finding a mate.


  1. Yeah, this story touches on some interesting points and what is so unfortunate in the Black community is that marriage is not built-up or even encouraged as a sought out social union/committment between a man & a woman. Most times when someone else mentions marriage amongst a bunch of brothers they get a ear full of mixed responses of doubts and regrets. Maybe this wouldn't be so much of an issue if fathers were involved in their kids life.

  2. doesn't this video/article/blog come out every 6 months or so???? Is this still even a discussed issue? I'll look at this video later and see if some new insight is shed here but it seems like the same old rehashed stuff. It's almost the black folks version of "Pete Rose needs to be in the Hall of Fame" during a slow news day on Sports radio....

  3. I'm surprised this was on ABC Nightline...

    I agree with Trey it's pretty accurate. I also agree with Trevor, this is nothing new. What should be done is a study to figure out why Black men don't want to get married.

    This could be a discussion within the pack. We have married men, technically married men, men on track to get married, men with the option to get married and a man running full speed (not quite as fast as he thinks) away from marriage.

    The prosecutor in Atlanta needs to realize she is in the Black Gay Capital of America and that can contribute to her not finding a heterosexual mate.

  4. i think the female mentions the reason why black men do not want to get married... if you have an eligible guy for instance interested in the 4 women on the panel... what would convince him to choose one other than to have kids... for marriage to sustain there needs to be more than that one reason.

    gary hit a valid point too that would proably be your the followup "why" segment you propose.... who is there to teach young men and women that marriage is beneficial and what it takes to sustain this. our family structure appears so screwed up at times that i hear (and semi-encourage) the opposite if i am talking to a young black woman... mothers all over tell their daughters "go to school, do your own thing first and then think about getting married" similar to what these women actually did. this is the exact opposite of what is exchanged between mother daughter in more cases than not amongst other cultures....

    all in all it is the same thing... guess i was more so shocked at the accuracy and semi- unbias opinion of the story... none of the women seem to put their super PERSONAL slants on their statements (obvioulsy they are bright)... i felt like there was not a hidden agenda that you get with some documentaries....


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