Tuesday, June 2, 2009

have ya'll heard about lamar odom consumption for candy?


your boy is tripping....which is better? this or roddy white's former addiction to macdonald's?


  1. I still think Joose's boy Roddy White is worse. When you walk into a McDonald's and they already know what you want to order you go too damn much. I don;t believe Odom substitutes candy for real meals.

  2. watch the video...he says the games i played well in, i had candy for breakfast (i think specifically skittles, starburst and now & laters)....that is meal substitution....

    i don't know....at least macdonald's is food...

    i would measure what's worst by consumption, how many nutrients are within mickey d's vs candy, and how processed the food is....

    to me eating candy in between meals is bad especially when u are an athlete (unless you are a sprinter or crazy body builder in the sense you can use all the energy efficiently)...he also eat honey buns and shit....

    what is the nutritional value of a pack now and laters vs a sausage biscuit....how much raw material vs processing is used to make these items (high fructose corn syrup vs making sausage into nice round salty patties) i think the candy diet is worse (what about his teeth).

    another thing is i eat hard candy (nerds, runts) because i don't like soft candy much (candy bars, skittles, starburst) and i don't like cookies, cinnamon rolls, donuts, honey buns really (i can count the number of these i eat a year). i think most people have a problem with one or maybe two of the three....how you glutton yourself daily on all of these...after a while you can't even taste it like brushing your teeth and drinking juice...

  3. I understand what Odom is saying, I just don't believe him. I don't believe that a professional athlete can push his body through a full season and the playoffs with candy being a substantial part of his diet. It's one thing to skip a meal and eat some candy to have something in his stomach, but I doubt he didn't eat a real meal before an actual game.

    Either way both of these athletes will always be underachievers who have the potential to be so much more. Odom could be like Pippen except he doesn't want it. Maybe Roddy gets it, he did stop going to McDonald's.... although he's still a biatch for trying to blame Vick for his shitty play

  4. Are we really discussing this dude's diet? Whatever... as long as he plays like he did in games 5 and 6 of the Nuggets series, he can eat whatever he likes.

    Lakers in 5.

  5. i think A DOCTOR is saying this may be a reason for his INCONSISTENCY....

    do you have to be a doctor to get this really?


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