Thursday, September 9, 2010

Crazy Man Shot By LAPD

Manuel Jaminez a 37 year old construction worker from Guatemala was brandishing a knife and threatening people. He then threatened police.

Apparently he wouldn't put the knife down so the police shot him. I don't see the problem. At a town hall meeting one person asked why they couldn't disarm him? Another asked why the officer hasn't been suspended? An officer responded that the LAPD doesn't teach officers to take knives from people.

I think the LAPD was in the right, I haven't said that too many times. Officers already risk their lives, why should they try and take a knife from a threatening individual? People have unrealistic expectations. And no the officer shouldn't be suspended.


  1. don't see the problem.... are there really that many idiots in LA that think the officers were in the wrong.... try this shit overseas and see what happens....

  2. Well apparently this is an officer who has been a familiar face in the area/community and has had a history of issues with the locals there. But the dude was completely out of his mind to charge the officer with an army blade. I agree with the both of ya'll but we also can't forget that the LAPD has had a history of corrupt/rogue cops who use their badge to get away with some outrageous ish....

  3. They do have that history, but this should help it cuz they were completely correct and the woman being threatened was grateful.


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