Thursday, July 29, 2010

I think this is insane....


  1. personally i think this may not be too bad of an idea... considering now that committing crimes while carrying a gun has a stiffer penalty.... But then again the laws are for the criminals.... they already carry guns without permits... this has no impact on them. i think you have to be concerned expanding freedom to the stupid... a stupid person with a gun could be just as dangerous as a criminal with a gun.

    basically this signifies that they want to give law abiding persons (which includes more stupid people) more leverage to owning a gun... am i ok with this... the problem is the education isn't there in terms of gun safety and what-not...

    in the article they mention a female should be allowed to carry the gun in her purse if she wants... i am willing to bet that the population of folks that carry guns in purses or elastic waste bands (plaxico) are less safe to be around than persons who readily keep their gun in appropriate containment. so that's just the beginning of gun-illiterate folks owning guns....

    also i think its funny how the article basically infers that this law will have a more damaging effect in AZ than in vermont and alaska due to for the lack of better words, "diversity" (diversity is number of things poor vs rich, skin color, religion, marital status, etc....

    this is interesting... do you now have to be more careful at work... never know who's gonna go "postal"....

  2. I'm not okay with this law... I think if there's a gun in a situation the situation becomes escalated to the point of no return whether it's situation with a law abiding citizen or a criminal... This law give people too much credit... As far as a gun is concerned unless you're an officer of the law, then a person with a gun has no credit in my book.... Once the trigger is pulled all bets are off.... bullets don't have any names just destinations... I say once the trigger is pull, but in essence, once the gun is pulled... all bets are off... If one life is lost unnecessarily, then it's one too many(My opinion)... I would prefer a law if a person got caught with a concealed gun with out a permit then that person looses that gun... We notice how people act with cars and road rage... God forbid, but imagine if you scuffs somebody's white shoes and they have a gun... I'm not anti gun... I've shot guns(pistols) on the farm at targets and hunted with riffles, but I do recognize how dangerous guns are... That was instilled in me at an early age...
    trey_the_father_of_balance, I'm not sure where you stand on this issue? please clarify...


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