Tuesday, May 25, 2010

We'ren't We Talking About This....... Continuation

When did Kim Kardashian become an iconic figure? I don't hear Ray J. in any of this... This Kardashian project was marketed and executed too perfect. Put out a sex tape, pretend you knew nothing about it, play victim, and use buzz to create your own show.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know what it is about me, society that is empowering these people in such a way that they can capitalize on it but its clearly working. The very idea that we're talking about it is probably part of the marketing plan ( some folks find them interesting, others cannot understand why people think they're interesting but either way we're all talking about them). I had a conversation with someone about which is better for gathering wealth: exceptional skill (talent) or the perception of exceptional skill and most agreed that perception of talent more so aids exponential growth than exceptional skill.


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