Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Steve Harvey on Women...... Necessary Evil

Is Steve Harvey breaking the "code" pulling an Eddie Murphy in boomerang which would lead some to question their orientation (O) or is he doing what is necessary to get women to raise their pathetic standards?

Quick Hits
  • No sex before 90 day probation period
  • Don't let a guy communicate with you solely through text/email
  • Know where you stand

Steve Harvey dropped some hints that a lot of simple-minded individuals of the opposite sex would not be able to pick up on i.e. how he introduces you or if a female makes us put in work we won't just run away. Now some females know this but clearly most don't.

I can't lie, when I was at Howard I was amazed at what some people were able to get away with just because there were only so many guys that weren't gay, were attractive and were doing something with their lives relative to the number of women who were doing the same.

My take is that this is a good thing. We discussed the fact that 71% of Black children are born out of wedlock which quite frankly pisses me off. Now these two issues are not directly corelated, but it doesn't help. Some people are going to think that Harvey sold us out, I think this is a very necessary evil for our community. But there is also the problem of some females reading his book and thinking far too highly of themselves which will inevitably happen also.

Maybe what we need is a universal rating system in our community so that people should know what they can expect based on what they bring to the table. This would combine physical attributes with smarts and intelligence, mental stability, personality, home training, etc. That way deserving women aren't selling themselves short and those who think too highly of themselves get a taste of reality.


  1. i'm dying to hear how you quantify a ranking/rating to get your lifetime mate qualifications...

  2. To answer the rest of the question, Steve Harvey is trying to pull an Eddie Murphy and releasing a cracked code. However, the genie is out of the bottle because "If pussy was a stock, it would be PLUMMETING!! You bitches have flooded the market!" (c) Dave Chappelle. The market will still be flooded even if 100k women read this book and become better people (the desired outcome"

  3. There is a lot of money in male bashing, even when its deserved. Steve just so happens to write a "book" about a subject that works for the sex that reading more and subscribes to the subject matter, kind of perfect storm-ish. I am concerned that this is more ammo for chicks to continue to take the attitude of over pricing their worth and trying to collect their worth from every guy they come across but they don't have much material assets or a bunch of shopping debt to bring to the table, or if they do have some money then they are quick to remind a dude.

  4. Attorney chick has been giving me a nugget from this book everytime I talk to her. I dont see it as a Eddie Murphy move. I think those females that are borderline good companions will be more suitable as life mates or just good girlfriends. Of course there are those chicken heads that will use it to their advantage. So far, from what I've heard, it has generally been a good thing... Of course with everything, the smart chicks will eat the hay and spit out the sticks. Undoubtedly, there will be the simpletons that will treat everything as gospel... We dont want them anyway...

  5. "My take is that this is a good thing. We discussed the fact that 71% of Black children are born out of wedlock which quite frankly pisses me off."

    this trend will only grow as long as we as black ppl continue to belittle the value of long term relationships....i know just as many persons with high ratings (according to chase) contributing to this statistic as ppl with low ratings....home trained, educated, property entitled, decent salary or non we are not valuing each other (both black men and women are happier single). don't see one (or number of books) book changing this...we don't even read (see below)


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