Monday, December 12, 2011

Omali Yeshitela - Asia Moving into Africa

Africa is with little argument the most resourcefully rich and energy-abundant continents on the planet. Now Asians, as Europeans have been doing for centuries, are establishing long term plans of investment in the rich and fertile African soil.


  1. This is real and I've witnessed it in my own eyes. You mentioned Nigeria, Ghana and Egypt, but the amount of investment the Chines have in Ethiopia is too big for me to explain in writing. The Chinese in the past 5-8 years have won almost all major construction bids in Addis Ababa. They built the first major highway, "the ring road" that circles the entire city, based on a Chinese highway system. They have since won the bid for the construction of many major building, including the African Union and the Police Department Head quarters. In one area, a little outside of the city, they are putting up 18 major factories! I was shocked when I went to visit this past December.

  2. Wow, its the Asian invasion. My biggest concern in all this comes from these various Asian countries long-term interest in Africa and its resources; they come in and stamp their economic footprint so that their companies from back home can thrive.

    My other concern is Africa's unique identity and the potential of it being overshadowed by Indian and Chinese culture. Indians and Chinese have deep seeded cultural roots and traditions.

    I think its important to be conscious of these kinds of colonial trends so that we're not caught off guard, particularly what we see that's taking place in Africa. We hear of these uprising with Egypt, Libya, North African countries they all got to mean something... History is pointing towards a direction we all need to be mindful of...

  3. And also... Not just to be conscious of these things.. But to take calculated steps in protecting the birth right of African descendants


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