Is Mexico a failed state? No, but it's not a sovereign nation. President Felipe Calderon is not in charge.
What should be done?Legalize marijuana, it provides a lot of money to the cartels. Consider how many people smoke weed compared to users of cocaine, crack, heroin or meth. Not only would legalizing marijuana weaken the cartels, it would raise tax revenue, employ Americans and reduce the trade deficit. I know our first Black president shouldn't be the one to legalize marijuana, but it might be for the greater good. California is an interesting test case.
Let the military and CIA loose. The Bush Doctrine is almost a decade old, according to it we, The United States of America, have the right to invade a country which harbors terrorists and/or intend to do us harm. Mexico may not harbor terrorists the way Saudi Arabia and Iran do, (yes the Saudi's harbor and support terrorists) however because the level of corruption has not been reduced to an "acceptable" level, say that of the United States government, Mexico is allowing this to happen. Obviously getting Mexico's permission would be a better approach, but what are they really going to do? I would turn northern Mexico into a war zone, who am I kidding, it is a war zone. I would authorized drones to carry weapons and kill drug smugglers. The heads of cartels would come up missing or dead. They may disappear or there house may be flattened while they are sleeping. Do these people have families? Yes. Unfortunately sometimes one must pay for the sins of their father. No one wants to see a child killed because of their parent, but what's worse the child of a cartel member killed or a drug addict's child killed or better yet a random child killed due to drug violence?
Shut the border down. All the way. I want a demilitarized zone just like N Korea and S Korea have. 10 miles, no one is allowed in or out. Enter at your own risk, troops have orders to shoot first. This would be expensive, but cheaper than fighting the "War on Drugs" which clearly isn't working. I understand a legal system in which you are innocent until proven guilty, but when it comes to drug dealers I say screw em, don't waste time trying to build a case and let them buy judges and juries. Just get rid of them, the world would be a better place. Who should be allowed to make that decision? Not the President, he can't directly have blood on his hands. The head of the CIA or a military commander will do.
What happens after you shut down the border? Smugglers go to air and sea. Fine, any boat not registered in the US must be searched before it can come within 20 miles of the US. We have the largest navy and the 2 largest air forces in the world. 1 US Air Force, 2 US Navy. Forget putting ships off N Korea, they can operate on both sides of Mexico, in the Pacific and in the Gulf.
It's time to stop treating Mexico as if they are a sovereign nation or our ally. They're neither. Let's be real Mexico is the next Israel. They annually receive large amounts of aid and bitch and moan when we do something they don't like. The reason "Pres" Calderon criticized SB 1070 is because he wants to make sure the billions of dollars illegal immigrants pump into Mexico's economy keep coming. He can go to hell for all I care. Next thing you know Mexico will have a PAC telling the President what to do if he wants any shot at reelection.
After the flow of drugs is reduced we can focus on our own drug dealers. Give those fools 10K sq miles in Montana and let them kill each other. I really don't care whether they are street dealers or kingpins, life in Hard Knocks Federal Pen, location middle of nowhere Montana. No more controlling your drug territory from inside or ordering hits on people. You go for life, no contact with the outside world. Don't worry about the cost, all I need is a gun line and some rednecks, you know they'll shoot anybody trying to escape, I guess we need someone to shoot the incarcerated Rednecks too. I don't really care if they shoot people just thinking about escaping. Don't provide anything, drop em off and leave.
Ok I digress the last paragraph is unconstitutional. But I would like to turn the CIA on American drug dealers and take them out. Now that the President must sign off on. Drug dealers and gang members need to methodically disappear. Who will ask questions, their family members? They go to the news, "we've noticed that a lot of our family members have disappeared with no explanation." News, "what did they all have in common?" Fam, "we don't know." News, "well we've discovered they are all drug dealers." Fam, "what difference does that make." News, "the American public doesn't care." Drug dealers are American Terrorists making this constitutional.