Noun, the science behind getting your way - and getting away with it.
When I was in LA I ended up in a Barnes & Noble with one of my friends and I randomly saw a book titled a**⋅hole⋅ol⋅o⋅gy. You all know I had to pick the book up and see what it's about. After skimming through it I decided to throw down the $15 to buy it.
One of the people I was with, a female asked me why I wanted to learn how to be an asshole. I promptly explained to her that I am already an asshole, I just want to read the book to see how accurate it is, plus it looked entertaining. She wasn't ready for that. I took it upon myself to explain that I am extremely well mannered, always a gentleman and an asshole, yes it's possible. I told her it's genetic. I let her see the book and she opened it, ironically she opened straight to a page about how to categorized women on the first date. Ms Right For Now, Ms Right Between The Legs and Ms Right Out The Door. At that point I really knew I wanted to read the book.
I am just getting into the book, but I'm sure it's worth the relatively short read. The explanation between the difference between an Asshole and Douche Bag are funny. After I'm done with the read and have determined that the book won't steer anyone down the wrong road I'll let the members of the Pack who could learn a thing or two borrow it.