Wednesday, July 21, 2010

We're no different from the notorious abusers (Ike Turner, slave masters etc.)

I was thinking that everyone use and except physical and emotional abuse all the time and we have no issues with doing it at all, it only becomes a problem when the level of abuse (which is subjective) is too high.

Lets examine the belief that the correct level of physical and mental discomfort can create the motivation to get desired change for:

Physical abuse to the point of being disfigured... I mean transfigured ... because we like it:

An example of physical abuse is we work out which puts pressure and discomfort to our muscles to get bigger, some folks higher abusers to use proven abusive techniques to abuse us or get recommendation on how to abuse ourselves until we disfigure ourselves to a state that we about this....

How is this any better than any other kind of abuse...its okay to be abused to the point that our body changes and its okay because we like it.

So if Tina liked how her body was transfigured then would it make Ike okay, so then its not really the abuse in itself its whether or not we like the abuse.

Mental abuse for the purpose of getting a physical action:
Women and their nagging: master abusers need i say more.


1 comment:

  1. self-torture..... hilarious....

    i think the physical abuse analogy falls short a little because working out is actually good for you... by that token some people call dieting abuse since you have to practice restraint.... but again eating healthy (abusing yourself) is good for you.... i can argue that eating fried, processed foods daily is abusive.

    i agree abuse is really dependent upon what society deems normal and anything over that threshold is abuse.... i think about real child abuse... to me there is a difference between child abuse/neglect and spanking and punishment.... that is set by what i deem normal... some psycholgists say hitting kids period is abuse... is making your child do pushups or running a mile as punishment abuse.... well if your child can handle it, they shake it off and learn--- NO. if the child is overweight and running in an Az summer outside and goes to the ER--- YES....

    is it correct to say abuse is in the eye of the beholder and dependent on the outcome to outsiders...


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