Friday, June 18, 2010

african american founding fathers

THIS IS A MUST SEE. a few important points....phrased as rhetorical questions

why do we leave out certain aspects of history?
why did we let the losers write history?
are black americans truly the victims "we" have convinced ourselves that we are?!v=inoWGGeqdmo&feature=related!v=FY8o1I3jDUU&feature=related!v=SujAcgdDeM4&feature=related

my take-home from these is the courage of these guys, the will, and sheer intelligence.... i don't know how you begin to teach yourself to read at a professoriate level (without rosetta stone and resources we have today when you may be killed for doing so), teach yourself math and science at a professoriate level, and finallly make a watch out of wood.....


  1. This is interesting, some of it I knew about, some of it I didn't. Surprised it's on Glenn Beck's show. I guess he really is all about ratings...

  2. well my brother pointed out his agenda from this was to infer that if black history was presented in this manner vs the victimized, weak manner "authored" by the losers of the civil war we wouldn't need certain programs: affirmative action, gov't aid including welfare, or whatever (not to mention whites could sleep guilt and blame free. it's kinda like bill cosby's stance on the black plight in america vs al sharpton... i think there is a place and a need for both. i do think we need to get away from "blame". but i see no problem in stating facts (broken, abused homes to be politically correct then leading to the same generations later)....


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