Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sheriff Joe's good idea???

I can't front, making folks pedal an excercise bike to watch TV while in tent city isn't crazy like alot of the stuff he does there...


  1. This dude is too funny, but I agree this is actually a good thing, especially considering all the other stuff he's been known to do.

  2. I have no problem with this... Not sure I would have a problem with forcing the inmates to generate electricity for lighting or heating the water they shower with. It's definitely a slippery slope though...

  3. I like this idea. I have to drop $80+ on cable... these fools sure as hell should have to pedal for it. $40M in potential energy savings? If they can achieve 10% of that, that would be a huge win.

    Also... Why do prisoner's get hot water to shower in?


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