Eversince I saw Capitalism: A Love Story, Michael Moore's relevance has become that much more connected with my current state of mindframe plus the political climate concerning healthcare bill being passed in a few days.
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i was underwhelmed when i saw the movie but either way its a bunch of trickery going on.
ReplyDeleteEveryone is entitled to their own personal belief. Whether you feel its a bunch of trickery going with regards to this documentary or trickery with regards to the financial crisis; I look at it as investigative reporting uncovering a lot of greed & deceit of public trust. Information like this needs to be brought into public view so that we can judge the merits of it.
ReplyDeleteWhen I was a kid there were the Rastafarian and Kwanzaa celebrators and they sold books on Jamaica Avenue, they are probably up there now, and these books was like really crazy information of how the government exploited us, and they had the proof, and I use to be like wow that crazy but I didn't believe them, fast forward like 12 years and I watched a government official admit that in fact the government did allow the introduction of crack in black neighborhoods in Cali to fund political campaigns. When the statement was made people ran around shouting and cheering, like finally justice is here. I was like wow those Rastafarian and Kwanzaa celebrators were right, but that was the end of it, afterwards nothing happened and all the people that died, went to jail behind drugs are not going to get any kind of correction. This financial crisis is another case of the same thing, a bunch of people lost their retirement, others lost their home, some probably lost their lives to make ends meet and nothing is going to happen, worst of all, the really poor people that was negatively affected will not learn anything about it they will probably never recover from getting cheated and it’s not like they don't want to learn but because it’s so cryptic it’s almost impossible to figure it out even for the educated folks. I am not really one for exploiting others to enrich myself so I can't even use the lets join them because we can't beat them attitude. Now I am watching how much trouble Obama is running into to get this healthcare reform thing completed which allows 30 million people to get covered, at the expense of the deficit or profits, like this dude has to cancel trips because people are simply saying no we are not willing to give people healthcare at a cost we rather they just die, and it’s clear that deal with devils had to be made to get this bill in the shape that it’s in, but dam they had to make devil type deals just to get some penicillin.
ReplyDeleteI hear what you're saying but it's that same outlook that permits these people to continue on with their own agenda year after year. I am not arguing that by watching documentaries like Michael Moore's body of work or reading tons of articles or watching CNN/MSNBC i.e. we can end greed, corruption, exploitation, cheating, or things of that nature. But I do believe we have the capability of mitigating its direct impact on our families and close friends.
ReplyDeleteFor instance, within the last two months I have spoken with several different people about moving their monies from commercial banking systems and depositing them in community banks. I have done this myself. WHY, because I can't stand Bank of America's business practices & policies. I think when people get past the smoke & mirrors and see things for what they really are they can choose to accept it or not. But I think now more than ever people are waking up to idea of voicing their opinion, developing an independent way of thinking and no longer want to be spoon fed with b.s information at least the youth of today.
Regarding healthcare, yes its no secret that the upfront cost is going to add to the deficit & behind the door deals had to be made but I think these deals were within reason, like the Louisiana deal partly due to Katrina. But as has been said countless of times before, if we don't do anything now then its going to have a INSANE and even go as far as to say catastrophic consequence against our already shaky economy (we're not in the clear yet). The people against this healthcare bill are insurance lobbyist, congress (mainly republicans) and FOX news. They are throwing out every tactic they have in their arsenal to prevent 30 million uninsured from getting coverage. But I hope it happens and Pres. Obama signs it into law. That will be a start. No other president had the balls to take this task head on and I think 10 years down the line people will say WOW Obama was a transformative figure and we are now on our way to being a better country.