Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Couple Donates Wedding Funds to Haiti

They gave $2,500 (25% of their wedding budget). Damn... I donated, but I didn't really do it like this.

1 comment:

  1. first off the folks desrve applause.

    ok the avg wedding runs i think $25,000 so this could be easily between 5 and 15% of their budget. this is definitely a great gesture but this is priviledge majority rich guilt at its finest.

    i think that was part of the dilemna; the fact that haitians are desperate for anything (prior to the quake) and here they (we) can forego a couple karats in wedding band and downgrade the dress $1000 and pick a veune for $60 a plate vs $100 a plate and come up with $2500 easy. again i think they really deserve applause for their gratitude and perhaps we shoudl all take a lesson but this is easily the difference between X weeding dress and Y wedding dress....

    i just to highlight the desparity between american and third world lifestyle (life being the keyword)


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