Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Anti-War March Protested

This is a complex topic.
- I think everyone needs to support their county's troops because they sacrifice
- Soldiers should not be given a blank check to kill civilians and rape women
- The war in Afghanistan is not unjust
- It's very ironic that some Arab citizens of Western world are very sympathetic to
terrotists and have no problem living in the Western world. This is especially ironic because if an American went to live in an Arab country he or she would have no where near the rights or protection from others


  1. Man first of all I'd like to say thank you for publishing this clip up on the blog.

    I too am undecided regarding my views on dispatching as well as showing support of our troops to Afghanistan. But I think it is poor taste to express disapproval of a war during a parade in honor of the men & women who sacrificed their lives for something they believed in.

    It's a tough thing to lose a child; it's even worse when someone reduces their life to mere waste. 26 yrs old and he lost it all over something or for someone. The scriptures says "there is nothing greater than a man lay down his life for another". That is a universal belief no partial to any religious group or ideology.

  2. this is a strange one... understanding of both sides but having had relatives serve and thinking about the plight of blacks in this country and their sacrifices in war even when we were treated less than dogs makes this more complicated for me...

    there will be times you don't agree with your country's policy but i think taking it out on folks doing a dangerous job is tasteless.

    you have to realize though this guy may know or have love ones expressing to him why having troops in their homeland is horrible (not just obvious extremes like rapes and atrocities but there is the whole damage to the nation's infrastructure that i think gets overlook alot of times).

    its tough...

  3. I can see why he would want to hold an anti-war march in that location, because the irony/"wrongness" of the march where they parade the fallen soliders would clearly draw more attention to his cause. I still do feel like the father, where that is completely disrespectful to the families of the fallen soliders.

    I felt the father was kinda out of line for calling him a foreigner for saying that he couldn't support the troops.


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