Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Who Is Crazy?

If you don't have time to watch the whole thing skip to where there is about 7 minutes left. His girlfriends best friend decided to block Marshall's car in so he could leave after they had a fight. Then she freaks out when he gets pissed off and rams her car and apparently tried to break the windows with a brick.

His girlfriend tried to get Marshall to pay $100K and then $500K in exchange for not pressing charges. She sent a letter to Goodell saying he never touched her and then recanted when she talked to NFL security. She made it seem like Marshall cut her and left a gash down to the bone, they showed a picture with a cut so small no stitches were really needed. Not trying to minimize it but the credibility on this is nonexistant. At the end of the piece she complains that no one has stopped him including the Broncos, NFL and Atlanta Police. I guess her contradicting herself has nothing to do with that.


  1. i am still going to draft this dude....

    on a serious note, she let this build up....the signs were there at UCF (if not before)....she should have been out but for WHATEVER reason she put up with this crap for years...if you the victim will put up with it why should the NFL/broncos be the ones to stand up for you...its easier to help someone helping themselves.

    i hope i never have deal with this crap as a father (a gerard butler/jamie foxx movie comes to mind) but if my daughter continues to go back to this dude, she deserves 99.9999% of the blame (not for being hit but) for not putting an end to it. she had plenty of opportunities to leave....dude choked her at UCF allegedly...c'mon man (in my mike ditka voice) its called esteem of yo'self.

    looks like he has a new victim....females exert your power; this ain't the 1800s.

  2. I seen this clip sometime back and at first I sided with this chic (partly because I have a lot of nieces and sisters). But after seeing it again and hearing her described the events and her reasoning for staying forces me to believe she perpetuated most of the abuse by not leaving.

    But to her defense, she is within her rights because at no point should a man who clearly can physically overpower a chic should place his hand on her. In addition from what I remember from this story Marshall moves on with a different chic he met up with in Hawaii and guess what same domestic b.s. Clearly these two are volatile for each other. I'm just relieved to know that there isn't a child involved. Marshall needs a behavior check.

  3. I agree with both of you that Marshall played a big roll in this, but I don't believe this woman. I was done with her when she tried to extort 6 figures on 2 different occasions. She killed her credibility. I think she admitted to hitting Marshall, it's just like Baby Boy, it's never okay to hit a woman but she asked for it.

  4. i wouldn't say she asked for it....but what i am saying once you see the signs (getting choked out at UCF) make a good decision or live with teh consequences and BLAME of the opposite; don't blame others....

    for me there is a difference being being say a child in this (no control...truly a victim) vs being the woman who repeatedly puts up with this over years....

    there is a difference between being in a war zone like in the sudan (where are you going to go to escape danger if rebels burn down your home and rape your family) and being a battered woman (some women do not have these options but it seems her parents would have welcomed her) with the resources to simply move back home with your parents until figure stuff out....the signs were there....

  5. I disagree, she did ask for it. Anytime a person hits another person they are asking to be hit back. Right or wrong that's reality, even more so when you are in an abusive relationship as this woman claimed to be.

    I do agree that she should have left him long before she did, but that is a psychological thing that a lot of women deal with. Her parents definitely should have staged an intervention and snatched her out of there. I don't care if she is grown she was acting crazy.


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