Friday, July 24, 2009

So Vick is suspended for (only) 4 more games...

...Who should sign him? Yes, it's BS that he still has to be suspended for some more games.

My answer:
SF 49ers - They don't have a real QB on the roster, and none of those guys have any huge promise. He'd be a helluva wildcat guy if nothing else.


  1. I'm not sure who should sign Vick. I am rooting for Vick in this situation. I think he needs to think about taking $1M to go play in the UFL. He is in debt so he needs the cash, plus he needs to slowyly come back.

    If he is going to return straight to the NFL I don't think he should be suspended. He has been through enough. The article on ESPN makes it seem like Goodell doesn't want Vick around for opening weekend to be a media story.

    I would like to see Vick sit behind a veteran QB for a year and work back into it.

  2. I hope a team will truly consider his talents and skills over his dog fighting/felony charges and say to Vick, here is your shot at redemption.

    I hope a contending team would pick him up. I'm not sure about SF49ers or going to the UFL and working his way back up. But I want people to believe in Vick, I want the fans to believe in him. I do!!!

  3. i hope he can play and pay his bills....where ever he goes....

    would like him to go to a contender but if i were a contending team i probably would not bring him in and i like vick...

    if i am the colts or chargers gm why would i bring in vick (maybe to back up rivers) a gm i would look at vick as a publicity, ticket selling project; thus i have a bad team that needs some press i.e. 49ers, buffalo, detroit, etc....i think you also have to think about location....he should probably stay away from extremely red districts.....

    also the ufl needs to sell tickets....if he can play and get a deal greater to what he would get in the nfl he should consider it. the only concern with the ufl is job security. if the league folds in 2 years and he is mediocre and thus 2 yrs older it will be hard for him to come back to the nfl.

  4. personally, i think he should probably be only the #2 wildcat QB this year while teams try to figure out what he can do exactly. he's never been that accurate, and has the touch of a cacti. i honestly don't feel there are 60 QBs in the league better than him, so he should be able to get at least a backup job this year.

  5. I think it would be interesting for Vick to join a contender. I agree that you don't do it if you are running the Chargers because their mental toughness has been questioned for a while. I don't see as much of an issue with the Colts, but he will never see the field and Indianapolis folk ain't goin for that. But every team with a question at backup QB should take a look at him.

    The 49ers might be the best look.


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