Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Way They Work in South Carolina

South Carolina Gov Mark Sanford disappeared for 5 days and was said to be writing by his wife and hiking the Appalachian trail by his staff. His cell phone picked up a signal if Georgia somewhere near the appalachian trail but not on it. He took one of the security vehicles his bodyguards usually drive him around in and dissappeared.

He showed up today and said he was in Argentina for 5 days. Now he has added to that by confessing to an extramarital affair.

What's wrong with this picture:
1. You are the governor and you dipped out like it was the weekend and you aren't on call. Officials considered transferring power. You have to tell somebody where you are, even if you tell them not to reveal where you are.

2. You are the governor of South Carolina, your state sucks by all standards and you didn't even want to accept federal stimulus dollars. How are you going to go on vacation to another country when you govern one of the worst states in the Union?

3. There is no logic to any of his. If this is how he reacts when he is overwhelmed then he needs to find a new job. Who goes to Argentina, has an affair and then comes back and tells everyone? This guy is screaming for help. People thought Vince Young had mental problems, he went to Buffalo Wild Wings and turned his phone off for a few hours....


  1. Hahaha.. Look it was father's day weekend. They had a South America special so he had to cash in on it...

    But real talk, it is sad to see that someone of his level can convince himself that there was nothing wrong with going awol and NOT telling your WIFE, at least. That kind of stuff happens and you don't have to be a governor of one of the most skirmish state to relate.

    I;m not saying what he did is acceptable, not in any case whatsoever, but I do know people who make irrational decisions or moves because the consequence of their actions hasn't hit them because they've been able to sidestep the aftermath...

    But the state of S.C. needs someone who is focused on job creation rather than on vacation/ power manipulation.

  2. the daily show had a field day with this on thursday considering it was father's day and he has ~4 children i think....

  3. interstingly this was one of the guys that demanded clinton be held highly resposible for his affair as it somehow related to his duty thru possible impeachment....saying he couldn't be trusted with the nation's well being if his wife can't trust him....they need new words for guys like this---hypocritical does not do this justice....

  4. i am not done...who travels to another continent for sex (and i guess love too) on the weekend holiday that commemorates you...will his kids ever be able to appreciate father's day ever again in life....


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