Thursday, April 30, 2009

Is the phrase "pour out a little liquor" a black thing?

I ask after this conversation i had with a white co-worker yesterday. Here it goes:

Coworker: "sad news in the base community, they tore down my very first antenna...940 ft...sniff sniff"
Me: "doggone shame, such a source of joy for so many people. I'mma go to the closet and pour out a little liquor in it's memory"
C: "hehehehehehe, cheers"
M: (realizing, oh snap, she might have not gotten the phrase): "Nah, i'm not drinking it, i'm pouring it on the ground in memory of the deceased"
C: "wow, hehehehehehe, nice"


  1. yeah dude...i don't think caucasians do this. i think more may know what "jumping the broom" is more than pouring out liquor...

    funny that black folks do this at funerals....

  2. This is definitely a Negro tendancy..... But I think it is still better known than jumping the broom due to it's glorification in rap (not hip hop) music videos. So yeah not something I would expect someone at Intel to know


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