Thursday, April 23, 2009

Great article on the current state of NYC rap

What do y'all think? It basically makes the point that NYC rap currently sucks now because the guys just aren't that good.

1 comment:

  1. i think dude hit some good a whole mainstream will never endorse super profound knowledge dropping art...think about what will get masses (white, blacks, german, young, old, etc.) of people moving is not going to be outlier art will always be stuff towards the center....this applies to jay-z, lil wayne, michael jackson, madonna---pretty much every pop in todays information age and video age people like a certain flare with their artists....there's always timing....boy bands come in and go out, dancing songs come in and go out (hammer came, left, and soldja boy/stanka leg is back), ballad singers come in and go out (who is the last great male ballad singer (luther, brian mcknight) cant get mad.

    i remember the same crap came out when snoop and dre took over...ny was mad at the west and then kinda got mad at the midwest with bone and crucial a fellow new yorker once said...MAN UP! there is deep rap found everywhere and there is dance/party rap found everywhere...ppl try to pretend like it is the sound only dumbing down music....everyone does it (look at 50)...the south just does it the best RIGHT NOW. We got little borther in the south, dilated out west and weathermen out of NY....


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